Thursday, July 14, 2011

Business Mathematics II : Syllabus For BBA

MTH 102.3 (Credit hours 3)

Business Mathematics II
BBA, First Year, Second Semester

Course Objectives:
This Course aims to provide students with a sound understanding of calculus and linear algebra for business

Course Contents:
Module I
1.     Applications of Derivatives                                                                        5 hours
Revenue, Cost and Profit Applications, Marginal approach to profit maximization, Elasticity, Market model

2.     Functions of Several  Variables                                                                 6 hours
        Functions of variables, Partial derivatives, Partial and total differentials, Higher order differentials

3.     Optimization: Functions of Several  Variables                                          7 hours
                   Maxima and minima of functions of several variables, Lagrange multiplier and constrained optimization,
Competitive equilibrium of a firm, Monopoly price and output, Discriminating monopolists

4.     Integration and its Applications                                                                 10 hours
Indefinite integrals, Techniques of integration, Definite integrals, Improper integrals, Applications,
Ordinary differential equations

6.   Series                                                                                                        4 hours
Series; geometric series, Taylor series

7.   Vector                                                                                                        5 hours
      Vector; vector spaces, Linear dependence, Basis

8.   Matrices and Determinant                                                                          11 hours
Types of matrices, Matrix operations, Matrix representation of equations, Determinant, Inverse of a matrix, Cramer’s rule, Applications of matrix algebra, Input Output model.

Programming Language : Syllabus For BBA

CMP 103.3 (Credit hours 3)

Programming Language

BBA, First Year, Second Semester

Course Objectives:
This course aims to introduce students to the imperative programming principles and acquaint them with the C programming language.

Course Contents:
Module I
1.     Historical Development                                                                             2 hours
History of computing and computers, Types of computers (analog and digital), Generations of computers

2.   Introduction to Computer Systems                                                            4 hours
                 Fundamental concepts of computer, Memory, hardware, software and firmware, Block diagram of digital
               computer, Computer peripherals

3.   Programming Preliminaries                                                                   10 hours
               Introduction to program and programming language, Types of programming language, Generations of
               programming languages, Program design methodology, Software development: Stages of software development, Text editor; Assembler, Compiler, Interpreter, Algorithms, Flowcharts, Pseudo codes, ASCII

4.   Introduction to C                                                                                     16 hours
               C Basics; variables and constants, The simple data types in C. Operators, Header files, Input and Output statement: Unformatted I/O, Formatted I/O, Type conversion, Loops and Decisions (For loop, while loop, Do while loop, Nested loop Case-break and continue statements, If Else, Else-If and Switch statements), Functions (Variables, Returning a value from a function, Sending a value to a function, Arguments, Preprocessor directives, C libraries, Macros, Header files and proto typing), Recursion

5.    Arrays and Strings                                                                                     4 hours
Initializing arrays, Multidimensional arrays, String; functions related to the string

6.   Structures and Unions                                                                                3 hours
Initializing structures, Nested type structure, Arrays and structures, Unions

7.  Pointers                                                                                                     4 hours
               Pointer data type, Pointers and Arrays, Pointers and Functions, Pointers and Structures

8.  Files and File handling                                                                              5 hours
           Opening and creating a file in different modes (Read, Write and Append)

Financial Accounting II : Syllabus For BBA

ACC 102.3 (Credit hours 3)


Financial Accounting II

BBA, First Year, Second Semester

Course Objective
This course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skill in handling financial accounting system. Specifically it aims to acquaint students with the

  • Recording, accounting, valuation and disclosure in the financial statements of the inventories and the cost of goods sold;
  • Accounting and disclosure of cash, cash equivalents and receivables;
  • Accounting and disclosure of non-current assets and liabilities;
  • Accounting and disclosure of current liabilities; and
  • Accounting and presentation of owners' equity and dividends.
Course Contents:                                                                                                                                                               
1.    Accounting for Inventories and Cost of Goods Sold                                                               8 hours
The nature of inventory; cost of goods sold model; inventory valuation and income measurement; inventory costing methods; choice of a method; methods of inventory estimation; effect of inventory valuation method on the cost of goods sold; disclosure in the financial statements.

2.    Accounting for Cash, Cash Equivalent and Receivables                                                        8 hours
 Cash and cash equivalent: components of cash and cash equivalents; preparation of the bank reconciliation statement and the need for adjustments to accounting records; petty cash, balance sheet presentation cash and cash equivalent; accounts receivable: valuation of accounts receivables, methods to account for uncollectible amount, balance sheet presentation; notes receivable: interest bearing notes, non-interest bearing notes, presentation of the notes receivable and related aspects in the financial statements.

3      Accounting for Non-current Assets                                                                                        11 hours
Concepts of capital, revenue and deferred revenue expenditure; types of operating assets; acquisition of operating assets and the capitalization process; depreciation: concepts, methods and accounting( straight line and diminishing balance method including accelerated depreciation method), disposal of assets and accounting for gains and loses; disclosure in the financial statements.

4       Accounting for current Liabilities                                                                                            5 hours
         Accounts payable; notes payable and other current liabilities; balance sheet presentation.

5       Accounting for Non-current liabilities                                                                                    9 hours
Bonds payable: issuance of bonds, characteristics of bonds, factors affecting bond price, premium or discount on issuance of bonds, bond amortization, redemption of bonds, disclosure in financial statements. Accounting for leases: Operating and financial lease; balance sheet of presentation

6       Accounting for Stockholders' Equity and Dividends                                                              7 hours
 Stockholders' Equity: components of the stockholders' equity section of the balance sheet; stocks: types of stock, issuance of stock, stock issued for cash and non-cash consideration and on a subscription basis, treasury stock, retirement of a stock; presentation in the financial statements; dividends: meaning and types of dividend-cash dividend, cash dividend for ordinary stock and preferred stock; stock dividend and stock split, disclosure in financial statements.

English II : Syllabus for BBA

ENG 102.3 (Credit hours 3)

English II

BBA, First Year, Second Semester

Course Objectives:
This course aims to develop writing skills in the students. If functions as a mini-rhetoric offering extensive advice on planning, writing and revising, including brainstorming, clustering, journal writing, and editing, The course introduces students to the various modes of writing and with enough examples it teaches how to distinguish between the various modes and comprehend an essay's Content, understand the writer's purpose and audience, recognize the stylistic and structural techniques used to shape the essay, and their sensitivity to the nuances of word choice and figurative language, In addition, there are ample "Writing Assignments" and "Collaborative Writing Activity" for the students to apply what they have learnt.

Course Contents:
Module I                                                                                                                 16 hours
1.     Introduction
Reading to Write

2.     The Writing Process
Invention, Arrangement, Drafting and Revision

3.     Narration
Sandra Sisneros, Only Daughter; Donna Smith-Yackel, My Mother Never Worked

4.     Description
Mark Twain, Reading the River; N. Scott Momaday, The Way to Rainy Mountain
Module II                                                                                                                    16 hours
5.     Exemplification
Robert M. Linlinfeld and William L. Rahje, Six Enviro-Myths
Richard Leaderer, English is a Crazy Language

6.     Process
Alexander Petrunkevitch, The Spider and the Wasp; Larry Brown, On Fire

7.     Cause and Effect
Norman Cousins, Who Killed Benny Paret?
Marie Winn, Television: The Plug-In Drug

8.     Comparison and Contrast
Bruce Catton, grant and Lee" A Study in Contrast
Deborah Tannen. Sex, Lies, and Conversation

9.     Classification and Division
Allen Pace Nilsen, Sexism in English: A 1990s Update
Stephanie Ericsson, The Way We Lie

Module III                                                                                                                                 16 hours
10.  Definition
Judy Brady: I Want a Wife
Burno Bettelheim. The Holocaust

11.  Argumentation
Structuring an Argumentative Essay
Tomas Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence
Debate Casebook: Multicultural Education

12.  Combining the patterns
Lars Eighner, On Dumpster Diving

13.  Using and Documenting Sources
Paraphourasing, Summarizing, and Using Quotations, Avoiding Plagiarism, Using APA Style to Cite and Document Sources

Microeconomics: Syllabus for BBA

ECO 101 (Credit hours 3)

BBA, First Year, Second Semester

Course Objective
The courses aims to acquaint students the basic fundamentals of micro economic theory. It enhances the skills of the students in tabular and graphic interpretation of the economic concepts with respect to business decisions.

Course Content
1.     Introduction                                                                                                3 hours
        Introduction to economic theory: Problem of scarcity, Introduction to microeconomics and macroeconomics, Function of microeconomic theory, Comparative statics and dynamics, Positive and normative economics

2.     Demand, Supply and Equilibrium                                                               7 hours
        Meaning and Concept of Demand, Individual demand (Law of demand and Demand curve), Market demand curve, Meaning and Concept of Supply, Individual supply (Law of Supply and Supply Curve), Market supply curve, Shifts in demand and supply curves and the changes in equilibrium

3.     Measurement of Elasticities                                                                        4 hours
        Price elasticities of demand, Arc and point elasticity, Total expenditure (revenue) and elasticity, Income elasticity, cross elasticity and price elasticity of supply.

4.     Consumer Demand Theory                                                                         10 hours
        Cardinal approach of utility, Consumer equilibrium, Ordinal approach of utility, Indifference curve, Marginal rate of substitution, budget line, consumer equilibrium, income consumption curve, price consumption curve, Separation of substitution and income effect from price effect for normal, inferior and Giffen good

5.     Theory of Production                                                                                  7 hours
        Production function, Production with one variable input: total, average and marginal product, Law of diminishing marginal returns, Production function with two variable inputs: Isoquants, marginal rate of technical substitution, Law of returns to scale, Isocost lines, Optimum Combination of inputs, Expansion path

6.     Costs of Production                                                                                    4 hours
        Short-run total, average and marginal cost curves, Geometry (shape) of short-run cost curves with their relationships, Long-run average and marginal cost curves: derivations and their shapes

7.     Concept of Revenue Curves                                                                        2 hours
        Nature of revenue curves in various markets, Total, average and marginal revenue curves, Relationship between average and marginal revenue curves in different market situations

8.     Product Pricing                                                                                          7 hours
        Perfect competition; pricing under perfect competition; equilibrium in short run and long run, Monopoly; pricing under monopoly, short and long period, Monopolistic competition; pricing under monopolistic competition; short and long period, Comparison among various market structures

9.     Theory of Factor Pricing                                                                             4 hours
        Factor pricing in perfectly competitive markets, factor pricing in imperfectly competitive markets, Bilateral monopoly

Unicode vs ASCII

Unicode vs ASCII
Unicode and ASCII both are standards for encoding texts. Uses of such standards are very much important all around the world. Code or standard provides unique number for every symbol no matter which language or program is being used. From big corporation to individual software developers, Unicode and ASCII have significant influence. Communication between different regions in the world was difficult but this was needed in every time. Recent easiness in communication and development of a unique platform for all people in the world is the result of inventing some universal encoding system.
Development of Unicode was coordinated by a non-profit organization Unicode Consortium. Unicode is most compatible with different language like Java, XML, Microsoft .Net etc. Symbolic figure or glyptic art are greatly available due to modification of character shape which is done using some mechanism adopted by Unicode. Invention of Unicode has brought major renovation in texture, graphics, themes etc. Natural numbers or electrical pulse is used to convert a text or picture and they are easy to transmit through different networks.
• Recent version of Unicode consist more than 109000 characters, charts for visual reference, encoding methodology, standard for encoding, collation, two-way display, depicting etc.
• UTF-8 is one of the widely used encodings.
• Unicode consortium consists of world leading software and hardware companies like Apple, Microsoft, Sun Microsystems, Yahoo, IBM, Google Oracle Corporation.
• First book was published by the consortium in 1991 and latest Unicode 6.0 published in 2010.
Short form of American Standard Code for Information Interchange is ASCII. Encoding of that system is based on ordering the English alphabet. All modern data encoding machines support ASCII as well as other. ASCII was first used by Bell data services as a seven bit Tele-printer. Use of binary system had brought tremendous change in our personal computing. Personal Computer as we see now is the boon of using binary language which was used as core things for encoding and decoding. Various languages later created and adopted are based on it. As binary system makes the PC more comfortable and user friendly for all, similarly ASCII is being used for making easiness in communicating. 33 characters are non-printing, 94 printing characters and space altogether makes 128 characters which are used by ASCII.
• It allows 128 characters.
• WWW or World Wide Web used ASCII as character encoding system but now ASCII is superseded by UTF-8.
• Short passage was encoded by early ASCII.
• ASCII-code order is different from traditional alphabetical order.
Difference between Unicode and ASCII
• Unicode is an expedition of Unicode Consortium to encode every possible languages but ASCII only used for frequent American English encoding. For example, ASCII does not use symbol of pound or umlaut.
• Unicode require more space than ASCII.
• Unicode use 8, 16 or 32 bit characters based on different presentation while ASCII is seven-bit encoding formula.
• Many software and email can’t understand few Unicode character set.
• ASCII only supports 128 characters while Unicode supports much more characters.
Though different variations appear among Unicode and ASCII but both are very much essential in development of web based communication.


Short form of American Standard Code for Information Interchange is ASCII. Encoding of that system is based on ordering the English alphabet. All modern data encoding machines support ASCII as well as other. ASCII was first used by Bell data services as a seven bit Tele-printer. Use of binary system had brought tremendous change in our personal computing. Personal Computer as we see now is the boon of using binary language which was used as core things for encoding and decoding. Various languages later created and adopted are based on it. As binary system makes the PC more comfortable and user friendly for all, similarly ASCII is being used for making easiness in communicating. 33 characters are non-printing, 94 printing characters and space altogether makes 128 characters which are used by ASCII.
• It allows 128 characters.
• WWW or World Wide Web used ASCII as character encoding system but now ASCII is superseded by UTF-8.
• Short passage was encoded by early ASCII.
ASCII-code order is different from traditional alphabetical order.
Difference between Unicode and ASCII
• Unicode is an expedition of Unicode Consortium to encode every possible languages but ASCII only used for frequent American English encoding. For example, ASCII does not use symbol of pound or umlaut.
• Unicode require more space than ASCII.
• Unicode use 8, 16 or 32 bit characters based on different presentation while ASCII is seven-bit encoding formula.
• Many software and email can’t understand few Unicode character set.
• ASCII only supports 128 characters while Unicode supports much more characters.
Though different variations appear among Unicode and ASCII but both are very much essential in development of web based communication.