Thursday, July 14, 2011

English II : Syllabus for BBA

ENG 102.3 (Credit hours 3)

English II

BBA, First Year, Second Semester

Course Objectives:
This course aims to develop writing skills in the students. If functions as a mini-rhetoric offering extensive advice on planning, writing and revising, including brainstorming, clustering, journal writing, and editing, The course introduces students to the various modes of writing and with enough examples it teaches how to distinguish between the various modes and comprehend an essay's Content, understand the writer's purpose and audience, recognize the stylistic and structural techniques used to shape the essay, and their sensitivity to the nuances of word choice and figurative language, In addition, there are ample "Writing Assignments" and "Collaborative Writing Activity" for the students to apply what they have learnt.

Course Contents:
Module I                                                                                                                 16 hours
1.     Introduction
Reading to Write

2.     The Writing Process
Invention, Arrangement, Drafting and Revision

3.     Narration
Sandra Sisneros, Only Daughter; Donna Smith-Yackel, My Mother Never Worked

4.     Description
Mark Twain, Reading the River; N. Scott Momaday, The Way to Rainy Mountain
Module II                                                                                                                    16 hours
5.     Exemplification
Robert M. Linlinfeld and William L. Rahje, Six Enviro-Myths
Richard Leaderer, English is a Crazy Language

6.     Process
Alexander Petrunkevitch, The Spider and the Wasp; Larry Brown, On Fire

7.     Cause and Effect
Norman Cousins, Who Killed Benny Paret?
Marie Winn, Television: The Plug-In Drug

8.     Comparison and Contrast
Bruce Catton, grant and Lee" A Study in Contrast
Deborah Tannen. Sex, Lies, and Conversation

9.     Classification and Division
Allen Pace Nilsen, Sexism in English: A 1990s Update
Stephanie Ericsson, The Way We Lie

Module III                                                                                                                                 16 hours
10.  Definition
Judy Brady: I Want a Wife
Burno Bettelheim. The Holocaust

11.  Argumentation
Structuring an Argumentative Essay
Tomas Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence
Debate Casebook: Multicultural Education

12.  Combining the patterns
Lars Eighner, On Dumpster Diving

13.  Using and Documenting Sources
Paraphourasing, Summarizing, and Using Quotations, Avoiding Plagiarism, Using APA Style to Cite and Document Sources


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