Pointers are variables that hold addresses. They provide much power and utility for the programmer to access and manipulate data in ways not seen in some other languages.A pointer is a special type of variable that contains a memory address rather than a data value. Just as data is modified when a normal variable is used, the value of the address stored in a pointer is modified as a pointer variable is manipulated.
Usually, the address stored in the pointer is the address of some other variable.
int *ptr;
ptr = &count /* Stores the address of count in ptr */
To get the value that is stored at the memory location in the pointer it is necessary to dereference the pointer. Dereferencing is done with the unary operator "*".int total;
total = *ptr;
/* The value in the address stored in ptr is assigned to total */
Example 1: To take input and output for integer pointer variable
int a;
int *x;
//taking input for general variable
scanf("%d", &a);
//taking input for printer
scanf("%d", x);
//displaying value for general variable
printf("%d", a);
//displaying value for pointer variable
printf("%d", *x);
Example 2: Program to convert uppercase string into lowercase using pointer#include<string.h>
char *str;
int i;
printf("Enter value for string:");
scanf("%s", str);
for(i=0; *(str+i)!='\0'; i++)
if(*(str+i)>= 'A' && *(str+i)<= 'Z')
*(str+i) = *(str+i) + 32;
printf("converted into Lower case sting is %s ", str);
Example 3: Write a program to input name of person. Reorder record in alphabetical order of name.
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