Thursday, July 14, 2011

Programming Language : Syllabus For BBA

CMP 103.3 (Credit hours 3)

Programming Language

BBA, First Year, Second Semester

Course Objectives:
This course aims to introduce students to the imperative programming principles and acquaint them with the C programming language.

Course Contents:
Module I
1.     Historical Development                                                                             2 hours
History of computing and computers, Types of computers (analog and digital), Generations of computers

2.   Introduction to Computer Systems                                                            4 hours
                 Fundamental concepts of computer, Memory, hardware, software and firmware, Block diagram of digital
               computer, Computer peripherals

3.   Programming Preliminaries                                                                   10 hours
               Introduction to program and programming language, Types of programming language, Generations of
               programming languages, Program design methodology, Software development: Stages of software development, Text editor; Assembler, Compiler, Interpreter, Algorithms, Flowcharts, Pseudo codes, ASCII

4.   Introduction to C                                                                                     16 hours
               C Basics; variables and constants, The simple data types in C. Operators, Header files, Input and Output statement: Unformatted I/O, Formatted I/O, Type conversion, Loops and Decisions (For loop, while loop, Do while loop, Nested loop Case-break and continue statements, If Else, Else-If and Switch statements), Functions (Variables, Returning a value from a function, Sending a value to a function, Arguments, Preprocessor directives, C libraries, Macros, Header files and proto typing), Recursion

5.    Arrays and Strings                                                                                     4 hours
Initializing arrays, Multidimensional arrays, String; functions related to the string

6.   Structures and Unions                                                                                3 hours
Initializing structures, Nested type structure, Arrays and structures, Unions

7.  Pointers                                                                                                     4 hours
               Pointer data type, Pointers and Arrays, Pointers and Functions, Pointers and Structures

8.  Files and File handling                                                                              5 hours
           Opening and creating a file in different modes (Read, Write and Append)


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