Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Classification of Computer :ACCORDING TO BRAND



IBM Compatible

Apple's MAC Computer
According to brand there are three types of computers. IBM-PC, IBM Compatible and Apple/Macintosh.


IBM-PC stands for Internation Business Machine-personal computer. IBM is undoubtedly the leading computer manufacturer of the world that was established in 1925 in the USA by Dr. Herman Hollerith. It started manufacturing mainframe computers in 1945 and thereafter started manufacturing mini- and micro- computers.
The microcomputers manufactured by IBM are called IBM-PC computers. These computers are reliable, durable and possess high speed processing capabilities.

b) IBM- Compatibles

The computers having the same architectural design and functional characteristics as that of IBM computers are called IBM compatibles. These computers can run all the software and can perform all the tasks that IBM computers can do. IBM-compatibles are cheaper than IBM computers and their parts are easily available in the market. Therefore, they are very popular in the world. In Nepal, most of the computers are IBM compatibles. Some of the IBM compatibles used in Nepal are Compaq, AST, Wang, ALR (Advanced Logic Research), etc.

c) Apple/Macintosh

Apple Computer, Inc., was established in late 1970s in the USA by Steven Jobs and Stephen Wozniak. The computers manufactured by the Apple had different architectural design and functional characteristics as compared to IBM computers, and were named Apple computers. These computers have their own software, made for them, that are GUI based, easy, user-friendly and efficient. These computers are popular and specially used in graphic design and desktop publishing.
Another brand of Apple computers is Macintosh. These computers are easy to handle and are available in different capacity, cost and models. Apple/Macintosh computers are used in Nepal for Desktop publishing and graphic design.
In 1994, Power Computing Corporation began marketing Macintosh-compatible computers, raising the possibility of new microcomputer market segment. Presently, Apple has about 8 percent of the market. IBM has about 28 percent and IBM Compatible have most of the rest.
A few years ago, Apple Computer, IBM and Motorola joined to develop the PowerPC chip, which enable Apple computers to run IBM applications and vice versa. Most Apple Macintosh computers and compatibles are based on this chip. IBM recently released its PowerPC chip machines. It is difficult to assess the implications of this chip on the desktop market. Intel countered with the Pentium Pro chip.


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